Rabbits munching on the fruits and vegetables in your vegetable garden? Aphids attacking your plant? Trying to find a natural way to get rid of the pests and insects in your garden? Do you have children and pets and will only use pesticides that are non-toxic? Garlic Oil Pesticide is a natural pesticide solution that is effective against and safe around humans and pets.
What is Garlic Oil Pesticide?
Garlic Oil Pesticide is a garlic and oil solution that you use as pesticide in your garden. It repels a wide variety of insects and garden pests. Once sprayed in the garden, the garlic odor will linger in your garden for weeks. It will keep working by repelling insects and garden pests. Once the garlic odor is gone, it will no longer work repelling insects and pests.
Which Insects Will Garlic Oil Pesticide Repel?
Garlic Oil Pesticide can be used to get rid of aphids, beetles, whitefiles, grasshoppers, snails and mosquitos. Garlic Oil will also repel beneficial insects like bees so you can’t spray garlic oil indiscriminately. You need bees in your garden for pollination.

Which Garden Pests Will Garlic Oil Pesticide Repel?
Garlic Oil pesticide will repel rabbits, deer, birds and geese. These garden pests don’t like the strong pungent garlic odor and will stay away from your garden.
Is Garlic Oil Pesticide Safe Around Pets and Children?
Garlic Oil Pesticide is safe to use around pets and children since it is a solution of garlic, oil and soap.
Is Garlic Oil Pesticide Safe to Use on Edible Plants?
Garlic Oil Pesticide is safe to use on edible plants. It’s safe to use on fruits and vegetables in your vegetable garden. Do wash off the garlic oil residue before eating your fruits and vegetables.
How to Make Garlic Oil Pesticide
It’s easy to make Garlic Oil Pesticide at home. Below is a recipe for Garlic Oil Pesticide.
Ingredients for Garlic Oil Pesticide
- 4 Cloves of Minced Garlic
- Orange Peel
- 2 Tsp. Mineral Oil
- 1 Tsp. Dishwashing Liquid
- 2 Cups Water
How to Make Garlic Oil Pesticide
1. Mix the Garlic, Orange Peel and Mineral Oil Together. Let it sit for 12-36 hours.

2. Strain the Garlic from the Oil Mixture. Throw away the minced garlic and orange.

3. Combine the Garlic Oil Mixture with Dishwashing Liquid and Water

4. Pour Garlic Oil into a Spray Bottle

5. Store the Garlic Oil Spray Bottle in the Refrigerator. You can keep it for up to a week.

How to Apply Garlic Oil Pesticide on Plants
Spray Garlic Oil Pesticide directly on leaves. Don’t forget to spray under the leaves since that is where most insects hide. You can also spray garlic oil pesticide directly on flowers, stems and fruits. It’s non-toxic so you can spray Garlic Oil in your vegetable garden.

When to Apply Garlic Oil Pesticide on Plants?
Avoid applying Garlic Oil Pesticide in full sunlight. It’s best to wait until late afternoon or early evening when the insects are active.
Can I Buy Garlic Oil Pesticide?
If you don’t want to make your own Garlic Oil Pesticide, there are commercially made Garlic Oil Pesticides.
A Word of Caution About Garlic Oil Pesticide
Garlic Oil Pesticide should be used sparingly since it will repel beneficial insects like bees. Only use Garlic Oil pesticides where you really need it. Avoid spraying it directly on flowers and plants that will need bees for pollination. Treat Garlic Oil Pesticide like any other pesticide and use sparingly.