Palm Tree
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Why Heartleaf Philodendron is one of the best houseplants for beginners

Palm Tree
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One of the easiest houseplants to grow

Palm Tree
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1. Can tolerate some neglect and low light conditions

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2. Even if you occasionally forget to water, no problem!

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3. Effective Air Purifying Houseplant (great in cleaning formaldehyde  from indoor air)

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4. Very easy to  propagate. Just cut and plant in water or soil!

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5. Attractive houseplant on a bookshelf or hanging basket

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Note: Toxic to  Dogs, Cats and Humans. Keep it out of reach  (easy to do, you can hang  or perch on  a bookshelf)

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Sunlight Requirements:

-Bright, Filtered Light -Can Tolerate Low Light and artificial light

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water Requirements:

When the soil feels dry don't overwater

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humidity Requirements:

High humidity Mist 1x a week

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temp Requirements:

Day: 70 to 80 F (21-26C) Night: 60 to 70 F (15-21C)

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fertilizer Requirements:

Once a month during the growing season.  Every other month in the winter.

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soil Requirements:

Well-draining, organic, all-purpose potting mix

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Common Problems:

Typically, pest and disease free. But may have Aphids, root rot, and yellowing leaves.

Palm Leaf
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