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My neighbor's  English Ivy was  creeping to my  side so I "stole" some of his  English Ivy!

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It was surprisingly easy to  Propagate  English Ivy! You don't need a green  thumb!

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I was able to  propagate my neighbor's  English Ivy and made it into indoor  houseplants!

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How I Propagated English Ivy  from  Outdoor Plant  to Indoor Plant

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Get stem cuttings from the English  Ivy plant.  It's better to take  cuttings from young vines.

Step 1:

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Put stem cuttings in a vase with water.

Step 2:

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Wait for the stem cuttings to produce  roots.  It should take at last one week for you to start seeing roots

Step 3:

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Plant stem cuttings in a pot. Make sure the pot has drainage holes.

Step 4:

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Water thoroughly, Keep up with  the watering and keep it in a place with bright, filtered light.

Step 5:

Palm Leaf
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Read the Article and watch the video on how to propagate English Ivy

Link Below