Is this your first time planting a vegetable garden? Looking for easy to grow vegetables for your garden? Are you a busy gardener and just want to plant vegetables that are low maintenance? Fortunately, there are so many easy to grow vegetables for your garden. By the end of summer, you will have so much vegetables to harvest that you will have a hard time keeping up! Here are 6 easy to grow vegetables for your garden.
6 Easiest Vegetables to Grow in Garden
Below you will find 6 easy to grow vegetables for beginners and busy gardeners.
1. Cucumbers
Cucumbers are one of the easiest vegetables to grow in the garden. If you want to plant a vegetable that is guaranteed to succeed in your vegetable garden then definitely plant cucumbers. Cucumber plants are easy vegetables for beginners and first time gardeners- you don’t have to do much to keep it alive. Just water your cucumbers every few day, that’s it! In fact, cucumbers are so productive that you can go on vacation for a week and you will come back to a lot of cucumbers to harvest! (Trust me, I did that one summer!) When you buy your cucumber plant, make sure you buy the vining cucumber plants (not the bush type) because the vining cucumber is easier to grow and is extremely productive. Cucumber plants are vines so it spread out as it grows, latching on to other plants. I suggest using a tomato cage or trellis to control your cucumber plants otherwise your garden will look too messy! If you are looking for a truly, “plant it and forget it” type vegetable, then you can’t go wrong with planting cucumbers.
2. Zucchinis
Zucchini is another easy to grow vegetable for the garden. Just pick a sunny spot for your zucchini plant and make sure to water it every few days and I guarantee that you will be eating a lot of zucchinis for dinner! Zucchinis are definitely easy to grow vegetables that are good for beginners and busy gardeners. It’s another low maintenance vegetable, if you go on vacation for a week, you will come back to a lot of zucchinis to harvest! The photo below is of a giant zucchini that we came home to after being out of town for a week on vacation (see how big the zucchini got compared to my son’s hands!)

3. Cherry Tomatoes
Cherry tomatoes are another easy to grow vegetable. It is guaranteed to succeed in any garden. Just find a sunny spot to plant your tomatoes and then water every few days and that it’s! Make sure you plant cherry tomatoes and not the beefsteak or the plum variety. From my experience, cherry tomatoes are the most productive tomato variety. With little to no effort, you will be harvesting cherry tomatoes all summer long! In fact, you might have trouble keeping up with the sheer volume of tomatoes to harvest. If you have kids, enlist your kids to help with the harvesting. My kids love to check on our vegetable garden because every time we check there are tomatoes to harvest! Cherry tomatoes are truly effortless and easy to grow vegetables.
Buy It: Cherry tomatoes to Grow Year Round
Tip: You should use tomato cages to support your cherry tomato plant. Install tomato cages early, don’t wait until tomato plants grow too big because it will be hard to install.
Buy It: Tomato Cages that You Can Build as Your Tomato Grows
4. Shishito Peppers
Shishito peppers are one of the easiest vegetables to grow in your garden. It’s so productive, you will have diffulty keeping up with harvesting your shishito peppers. Similar to cherry tomatoes, shishito peppers will keep growing all season long! Shishito peppers are great for beginners and busy gardeners. Just plant your shishito peppers in a sunny spot and water your shishito peppers every few days and voila! The good thing about shishito peppers is that animals (rabbits, deer and squirrels) don’t like it so you don’t need to fence it in. If you are looking for easy, low maintenance vegetables to plant in your garden, then you should definitely plant shishito peppers.
Buy It: Shishito Peppers

5. Eggplants
Eggplants are easy to grow vegetables in your garden. It’s fool-proof, low maintenance vegetable to grow in your vegetable garden. Just pick a sunny spot to plant your eggplants and water every few days and you will have eggplants to harvest! Keep in mind, eggplants are not as productive as shishito peppers and cherry tomatoes. You will get a few eggplants the entire season but it will not overwhelming to harvest like shishito peppers and cherry tomatoes. I usually plant a variety of eggplants such as ichiban eggplant and black beauty eggplant. In my experience, both varieties are pretty easy to grow. If you are looking for easy to grow vegetables, then eggplants are great addition to your garden.

6. Pumpkins
Pumpkin is another easy to grow vegetable in your garden. It’s a great addition to your vegetable garden because it is a Fall harvest vegetable so you can extend your summer vegetable garden a few month longer. Pumpkins are low maintenance and easy to grow. It grows like a vine and will spread out, similar to zucchini plants. It’s so easy to grow that one year we accidentally stumbled upon a pumpkin patch growing in our side yard! It was a mystery for us and we did not know who planted it and the amazing thing is the pumpkin plant was thriving with zero care and maintenance! See below for the photo of our pumpkin that just grew on its own! If you are looking for easy to grow, low maintenance vegetables, then you should grow pumpkins.

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