Trying to decide on hedges to plant to build a privacy hedge? If you are using the hedge more as a fence, to screen off nosy neighbors and passersby then you need to build 1.) a dense privacy hedge and 2.) evergreen privacy hedge. In order to have maximum privacy, you need shurbs with dense foliage. You also want privacy year round so it’s important to choose evergreen shrubs. Here are 5 best evergreen shrubs for privacy hedge.
7 Best Evergreen Shrubs for Privacy Hedge
Dense, evergreen shrubs will grow nicely as a privacy hedge. If you space your shrubs out correctly and take care of them, you can build a beautiful privacy hedge in no time. Here are evergreen shrubs for privacy hedge.
Boxwood (buxus)
Boxwoods are evergreen shrubs with dense foliage, they are great shrubs for privacy hedges. It is a very popular shrub for gardeners and landscapers. Boxwoods are classic shrubs that will give your garden a more formal and manicured look. It is also deer resistant so it’s ideal if you get deer in your garden. You do have to prune boxwoods to maintain it’s shape and keep it from looking unruly so it’s not a low maintenance privacy hedge. The good thing about boxwoods is that it is slow growing so you have time to work on trimming your boxwoods. One thing to note is that boxwoods are susceptible to winter damage. You should avoid planting your boxwoods in very windy locations. Evergreen and deer resistant, boxwoods are a favorite for privacy hedges.

Boxwoods will grow best in full sun. It can tolerate some partial shade however the foliage won’t be as lush if you plant your boxwood in partial shade. It’s best to plant boxwoods in full sun. Boxwoods should only be planted in well-drained soil. Avoid planting boxwoods in areas where water accumulates such as near downspouts. Boxwoods are ideal for USDA Hardiness zones 6-8.
How Fast Can Boxwoods Grow?
Boxwood are slow growing shrubs. They grow slowly at a rate of less than 12 inches per year. When building your privacy fence with boxwoods, keep the slow growth rate in mind. You should buy bigger sized boxwoods to start.
How Tall Can Boxwoods Grow?
Depending on the type of Boxwood, the height will ranges. Little leaf or Japanese boxwoods (B. microphylla) will only grow up to 4 feet tall while American boxwoods (B. sempervirens) can grow up to 10 to 15 feet tall. For a privacy hedge, you probably want tall boxwoods like the American Boxwood.

What is the Ideal Spacing When Planting Boxwoods for Privacy Hedge?
If you want to build a privacy hedge, you need your boxwoods shrubs close together so the foliage are dense and you don’t have a big gap in between shrubs. Depending on the type of boxwood you are planting, the dwarf boxwoods should be planted 1 foot apart to build a hedge. While the American boxwood should be planted 2 feet apart as ideal spacing for a privacy hedge.
Yew (Taxus)
Yews are evergreen shrubs with dense foliage which makes it a great privacy hedge. Yews are part of the genus of small coniferous trees and shrubs. Yew shrubs are easy to grow, they are drought resistant and will pretty much thrive in any conditions. Mature yews can reach a height of 3 to 120 feet and width of up to 12 feet wide. It is a slow growing shrub though so when planting yews in your yard, make sure you keep that in mind when choosing the size. Yews are toxic to humans and animals, their leaves and berries contains highly poisonous alkaloids. Be careful with Yews when you have little kids and dogs in your yard. Yews grow best in well drained soil in sun and partial sun. Yews will thrive in USDA Hardiness zones 4-8.

How Fast Can Yews Grow?
Yews are very slow growing evergreen trees and grows less than a foot a year.
How Tall Can Yews Grow?
Yews can grow 3 to 120 feet and width of up to 12 feet wide

What is the Ideal Spacing When Planting Yews as Privacy Hedge?
Plant Yews 6 to 10 feet apart for hedges. If you really want a dense privacy hedge, plant Yews 3-6 feet apart.
Green Giant Arborvitae (Thuja standishii x plicata)
Green Giant arborvitae is a good option if you are looking for a tall, evergreen privacy hedge. Planting green giant arborvitae close together can create a good screen. Green Giant arborvitae are fast growing, in ideal conditions, Green Giant arborvitae can grow 3-5 feet in a year! Once established, green giant arborvitae are drought resistant. It is also deer resistant. Plus green giant arborvitae are low maintenance because no pruning is required to keep its shape. Green Giant arborvitae grows best in full sun but it can also grow well in partial shade receiving at least 4 hours of direct sunlight daily. Green Giant arborvitae will thrive in USDA Hardiness zones 5-7.
How Fast Can Green Giant Arborvitae Grow?
Green Giant Arborvitae are fast growing evergreen trees and can grow 3-5 feet per year.
How Tall Can Green Giant Arborvitae Grow?
Green Giant Arborvitae are large trees at maturity. They can grow 50 to 60 feet tall and spread at 12-20 feet at maturity.
What is the Ideal Spacing When Planting Green Giant Arborvitae as Privacy Hedge?
Plant your Green Giant Arborvitae 5-6 feet apart to build a dense privacy hedge.
Spartan Juniper (Juniperus chinensis ‘Spartan’)
Spartan Juniper are dense, evergreen trees. When lined up in a row, it makes an attractive privacy hedge. The spartan juniper does not grow as tall as the green giant arborvitae so it is ideal for smaller yards. It’s a low maintenance hedge that does not require pruning to maintain it’s columnar shape. Spartan Juniper does not grow as fast as the Green Giant arborvitae, its rate of growth is slower growing at 12 inches per year. It grows best in full sun and well drained soil. Spartan Juniper will thrive in USDA Hardiness Zones 4-9. It is also deer resistant.
How Fast Can Spartan Juniper Grow?
Spartan Juniper does not grow as fast as the green giant arborvitae. Spartan Juniper grows at a rate of approximately 12 inches per year.
How Tall Can Spartan Juniper Grow?
Spartan Juniper makes a good privacy hedge growing up to 15 feet tall with a spread of 3-5 feet.
What is the Ideal Spacing When Planting Spartan Juniper as Privacy Hedge?
Space your Spartan Juniper 5 feet apart to build a hedge. If you want a dense screen for your privacy hedge, space your Spartan Juniper 3 feet apart.
Holly (Ilex aquifolium)
Holly plants are dense, evergreen shrubs. It is an excellent choice as a privacy hedge. There are many varieties of holly plants. Silver Holly and English Holly have prickly leaves while the Japanese Holly have the more rounded leaves. All are great choices for privacy hedge since they are deer resistant, evergreen shrubs. The red berries provides color and a nice contrast to the holly foliage. Holly shrubs does require pruning to keep it from looking unruly so it’s not a low maintenance shrub. The good thing about Holly hedge plants is that it will thrive in partial shade so you can use it in locations that does not get full sun. Holly plants prefer soil with good drainage. It thrives in USDA Hardiness zones 6-8.

How Fast Can Holly Grow?
Holly is a slow growing shrub, grow approximately 4 to 8 inches a year.
How Tall Can Holly Grow?
Holly grows to 15 feet with a spread of 8-10 feet wide.
What is the Ideal Spacing When Planting Holly as Privacy Hedge?
Space your Holly 1.5 to 2 feet apart for privacy hedge.
Emerald Green Arborvitae (Thuja occidentalis)
Emerald Green arborvitae is a pyramid shaped evergreen tree with lush emerald foliage. When planted in a row, Emerald Green arborvitae will give your privacy hedge a classic, elegant look. It is a a true evergreen, during the winter months, the Emerald Green arborvitae foliage does not discolor like the other arborvitaes. Emerald Green arborvitae can grow up 10 to 15 feet tall with a spread of 3 to 4 feet wide. It is a slow growing evergreen with a growth rate of less than 12 inches a year. Emerald Green arborvitae will grow best in full sun or partial sun in well-drained soil, it needs at least 4 hours of direct sunlight. Once established, Emerald Green arborvitae tolerates heat and drought. Emerald Green arborvitae will thrive in USDA Zone hardiness 3-7.

How Fast Can Emerald Green Arborvitae Grow?
Emerald Green arborvitae is a slow growing evergreen tree. It grows less than 12 inches a year.
How Tall Can Emerald Green Arborvitae Grow?
Emerald Green arborvitae can grow up 10 to 15 feet tall with a spread of 3 to 4 feet wide.
What is the Ideal Spacing When Planting Emerald Green Arborvitae as Privacy Hedge?
Space your Emerald Green arborvitae 2 to 3 feet apart to build a privacy hedge.
Privet (Ligustrum)
Privets are fast growing, evergreen shrubs making it good shrubs to use for privacy hedges. It is easy to grow, will tolerate most soil types and can be grown in full sun or partial shade. Once established, privets are drought resistant shrubs. Privets are fast growing shrubs, growing as much as 25 inches a year. Because it grows so quickly, you will need to prune your privets frequently to keep it under control. Japanese privet and California privet are popular varieties to use for hedges. Privets will thrive in USDA Zone hardiness 7-10.

How Fast Can Privets Grow?
Privets are fast growing shrubs, growing as much as 25 inches a year. very fast growing shrubs.
How Tall Can Privets Grow?
Privets can grow up 10 to 15 feet tall with a spread of 5 to 6 feet wide. Japanese privets can grow 10 feet tall and 5 to 6 feet wide. California privet can grow up to 15 feet tall.
What is the Ideal Spacing When Planting Privets as Privacy Hedge?
Space privets 12 inches apart to build a privacy hedge.